Epic Ranger
Posted September 10th, 2009 by ArazyrEpic Ranger
- Hit Die:
- d8
- Skill Ranks at Each Additional Level:
- 6 + Int modifier
- Spells:
- The ranger's caster level is equal his class level – 3, as normal. The ranger's number of spells per day does not increase after 20th level.
- Favored Enemy (Ex):
- The epic ranger gains one additional favored enemy, and his or her bonuses against one category of favored enemies goes up by +2, every five levels higher than 20th.
- Wild Empathy (Ex):
Epic Paladin
Posted September 10th, 2009 by ArazyrEpic Paladin
- Hit Die:
- d10
- Skill Ranks at Each Additional Level:
- 2 + Int modifier
- Smite Evil (Su):
- The epic paladin adds his or her class level to damage with any smite evil attack, as normal. He or she can smite one additional time per day for every three levels higher than 19th.
- Lay on Hands (Su):
Epic Monk
Posted September 8th, 2009 by ArazyrEpic Monk
- Hit Die:
- d8
- Skill Ranks at Each Additional Level:
- 4 + Int modifier
- AC Bonus:
- The monk's bonus to Armor Class when unarmored increases by +1 at 24th level, and every four levels thereafter.
- Stunning Fist:
- The epic monk can use the Stunning Fist feat once per day per monk level, as normal, plus any uses from other class levels (as described in the feat).
- Fast Movement:
Epic Fighter
Posted September 8th, 2009 by ArazyrEpic Fighter
- Hit Die:
- d10
- Skill Ranks at Each Additional Level:
- 2 + Int modifier
- Weapon Training (Ex):
- An epic fighter continues gaining weapon groups, and the bonuses to previously chosen groups continues to increase, every four levels above 17th.
- Bravery (Ex):
- The epic fighter's bonus on Will saves against fear increases by +1 at 22nd level, and again every four levels thereafter.
- Bonus Feats:
Epic Druid
Posted September 6th, 2009 by ArazyrEpic Druid
- Hit Die:
- d8
- Skill Ranks at Each Additional Level:
- 4 + Int modifier
- Spells:
- The druid's caster level is equal to his or her class level. The druid's number of spells per day does not increase after 20th level.
- Animal Companion:
- The Druid's animal companion continues to increase in power, according to the following table:
Table: Epic Animal Companion Special Abilities
Epic Cleric
Posted September 5th, 2009 by ArazyrEpic Cleric
- Hit Die:
- d8
- Skill Ranks at Each Additional Level:
- 2 + Int modifier
- Spells:
- The cleric
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Epic Bard
Posted September 4th, 2009 by ArazyrEpic Bard
- Hit Die:
- d6
- Skill Ranks at Each Additional Level:
- 6 + Int modifier
- Spells:
- The bard
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Epic Barbarian
Posted September 2nd, 2009 by ArazyrEpic Barbarian
- Hit Die:
- d12
- Skill Ranks at Each Additional Level:
- 4 + Int modifier
- Barbarian Rage:
- The epic barbarian gains two additional rounds of rage per day every level after 20th.
- Rage Powers (Ex):
- The epic barbarian gains an additional rage power every two levels after 20th.
- Trap Sense (Ex):
- The epic barbarian
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Epic Level Basics
Posted September 2nd, 2009 by ArazyrEpic Level Basics
Epic characters—those whose character level is 21st or higher—are handled slightly differently from nonepic characters. While epic characters continue to receive most of the benefits of gaining levels, some benefits are replaced by alternative gains. A class can be advanced beyond 20th level. A ten-level prestige class can progress beyond 10th level, but only if the character level is already 20th or higher. A class with fewer than ten levels cannot progress beyond the maximum for that class, regardless of character level.