Paizo Inc. Pathfinder® Second Edition
Compatibility License

Version 1.0, Last Updated Tuesday June 18, 2019

1. Acceptance of Terms

By submitting a license application via this web page, you accept and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this license agreement ("License").

2. Copyrights and Trademarks

You acknowledge and agree that Paizo Inc. ("Paizo") owns all trademarks and copyrights in and to the Pathfinder Second Edition Compatibility Logo ("Compatibility Logo") and the Pathfinder-Icons font ("Font"). You agree not to contest Paizo's ownership of any intellectual property rights in or to the Compatibility Logo or Font, during the term of this License or thereafter. You also agree not to create or use any names or trademarks similar enough to our trademarks that consumers could be confused about whether your material was produced by or on behalf of Paizo.

3. License Grant

If you are in compliance with all of the terms and conditions of this License and the usage requirements set forth in Exhibit A ("Usage Requirements"), you are granted a non-transferable, non-sublicensable, non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use the Compatibility Logo and Font in printed books, electronic books, and freely available websites ("Products") that are compatible with Pathfinder Second Edition, subject to the obligations and limitations set forth in this License. You may not use the Compatibility Logo or Font unless your Product is fully compatible with Pathfinder Second Edition (see Section 5. Compatibility). The Compatibility Logo and Font may only be used in the manner specified in this License and in the Usage Requirements and may not be modified except as specifically set forth in the Usage Requirements.

You may use the Compatibility Logo only on Products and in advertisements and websites directly promoting those Products, and only to indicate that the Product is compatible with Pathfinder Second Edition.

You may use the Font only within Products and in advertisements and websites directly promoting those Products. You may not redistribute the font file, though you may embed it in a digital file (such as a PDF) produced under this License, for display and/or printing. No other license may be applied to it.

The Compatibility Logo and Font may only be used under this License in connection with Products you publish under the Open Gaming License 1.0a ("OGL"), a copy of which can be viewed here. You may not use the Compatibility Logo or Font in any way that the OGL prohibits. (Note that you are solely responsible for assuring you use the OGL correctly.) The Compatibility Logo and Font are designated as Product Identity, not Open Game Content, as those terms are defined in the OGL.

No license or permission is granted (either expressly or by implication) with respect to any trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property right except the Compatibility Logo and Font, and any right not specifically granted hereunder is expressly reserved to Paizo.

4. Usage Restrictions

The license granted hereunder is expressly limited to use of the Compatibility Logo and Font in printed books, electronic books, and freely available websites that are compatible with Pathfinder Second Edition. Anyone seeking a license for any other use should contact Paizo at

You may not use the Compatibility Logo or Font in a way that suggests Paizo owns, endorses, or is in any way responsible for any part of your Product, or for any conduct of your business, or that suggests that you have any relationship beyond a mere license with us, unless we have a separate agreement that lets you do so. You also may not state or suggest that we guarantee your Product's compatibility with Pathfinder Second Edition.

The titles of your Products may not include any Paizo trademarked terms (or marks confusingly similar thereto), including "Pathfinder," "Pathfinder Second Edition," or "Pathfinder Roleplaying Game."

You may not use Paizo's trade dress for your Products or advertisements—that is, you may not design your Products or advertisements to look confusingly similar to Paizo's products or advertisements.

You may not do anything illegal in or with your Products.

You must use your best efforts to preserve the high standard of our trademarks. You may not use this License for material that the general public would classify as "adult content," offensive, or inappropriate for minors.

You may not release any Products under this License until August 1, 2019 (the release date for Pathfinder Second Edition).

5. Compatibility

In order to make use of the compatible content, your Product must operate under and rely on Pathfinder Second Edition. Standalone game systems are in no event authorized hereunder.

You agree to use your best efforts to ensure that Products are fully compatible with Pathfinder Second Edition as published in August 2019. Products may additionally be compatible with other systems.

6. References

If you wish to reference sections of a Paizo product in your Product, you may do so in the following form:

See the "Elf Racial Traits" section in Chapter 3 of the Pathfinder Second Edition Core Rulebook.

You may not use page numbers, as they may change in licensed translations and in subsequent printings.

The list of Paizo products you may reference is set out in Exhibit B, which Paizo may update at any time. You may reference these only within your Products; you may not reference them in your title, on your front cover, in your website domain name, or in advertisements. If the title of a Paizo product contains Product Identity as defined in the OGL, this License allows use of that Product Identity solely in the context of referencing that Paizo product by its title; no other use of that Product Identity is permitted. You may not reference Paizo products that are not listed in Exhibit B without express written permission.

If you want to publish in a language other than English, and Paizo has published (or has licensed the rights to publish) Pathfinder Second Edition in that language, you must use the exact translations prepared for that foreign-language edition of Pathfinder Second Edition. In the case that the licensed translation has not yet been released, you must wait until the translation is released before you can release your Product in that language. The list of currently licensed languages is provided as Exhibit C, which may be updated at any time.

7. Effective Dates

The License will become effective as soon as your application is accepted by Paizo.

8. Breach and Cure

If you fail to comply with any of the terms of this License, you will be in breach and we will have the right to terminate this License. We will send notice to the contact information you provided in your registration. You will have thirty days from the date we send notice to cure the breach to our satisfaction. If the breach has not been fully and completely cured, we reserve the right to terminate the License with no further notice. After termination, you will not have the right to secure a new license from us without specific written consent.

9. Termination

We can terminate this License at any time, at our sole discretion.

If we terminate the License due to breach, you have to immediately stop selling products that use the Compatibility Logo or Font and you must destroy all of your inventory of those products (including all marketing material). You may not make any more products that use the Compatibility Logo or Font. You must immediately suspend any advertisements and any web content promoting products that use the Compatibility Logo or Font. If there are any costs associated with any of this, the responsibility for paying them is exclusively yours.

If we terminate the License for any reason other than breach, you may no longer make any new products using the Compatibility Logo or Font, but you may continue to sell existing physical products that were compliant under this License as long as you have inventory. If you sell out of a compliant product, you must remove the Compatibility Logo and Font from future print runs. In the case of products that do not have physical inventory, such as PDFs, you must stop selling them within 30 days of termination, but if you remove the Compatibility Logo and Font from them, you may start selling them again.

Note that if we terminate this License, and you publish products that make use of our copyrighted content available under the OGL, you still have to attribute it to Paizo Inc., as required by the OGL.

If you fail to comply with your post-termination obligations, you agree that any resulting dispute will be resolved in courts located in King County, Washington, and you agree to be subject to the jurisdiction of such courts. You agree that such courts will be mutually directed to award the prevailing party in any dispute its legal fees and court costs in addition to any other appropriate monetary or injunctive relief such court deems appropriate.

10. Updates

Paizo may update this License at any time. The latest version is available at If you published anything under a previous version of this License, you can choose to use either the version in place at the time you originally published the work or the updated version. For new Products, you may only use the current version of the License.

We may update the Exhibits at any time; if we do, we will attempt to send notice to the email address you supplied in your registration. You must always use the most recent version of each Exhibit. The Exhibits are incorporated within the terms of this License by this reference.

We may update the Compatibility Logo, Font, and the text required by Exhibit A ("Compatibility Text") at any time; if we do, we will attempt to send notice to the email address you supplied in your registration. You agree to use good faith efforts to stop using old Compatibility Logos, Fonts, and Compatiblity Text and start using the updated Compatibility Logo, Font, and Compatibility Text for new Products. You may continue to sell items made with the old Compatibility Logos, Font, or Text as long as you continue to comply with the terms of this License. If you reprint Products that were originally published using old Compatibility Logos, Font, or Text, we request, but do not require, that you use the new Compatibility Logo, Font, and Text.

11. Notices to Licensor

You agree to keep your contact information on your registration current. Any notices to you will be sent to that email address. You agree that an attempt to send email to that email address constitutes valid notice and service of process on you.

12. Licensed Product

You agree to send at least one copy of each book or electronic book Product to Paizo, Attention: License Manager at Paizo's mailing address listed at In the case of electronic books, you may send them electronically or on a CD, DVD, or other common medium in a broadly and freely reviewable format. The first time you produce a book or electronic book Product under this License, you must send us a copy within 30 days; after that, you may take up to six months to send us a copy. (After the first book or electronic book Product, you can send us one package every six months if you like, assuming you produce Products that often.) We also request that you send us copies of any printed advertising or other marketing done in connection with the Products, but that is optional.

13. Arbitration and Jurisdiction

Paizo and you agree that all disputes related to this License shall governed by the local laws of the State of Washington. Both you and Paizo irrevocably and unconditionally consent to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of State and Federal courts located in King County, Washington with respect to any claim, action or legal proceeding related to this License, and both you and Paizo agree to bring all legal action related to this License before such courts.

14. Warranties and Limitation of Liability

Paizo makes no warranties about the suitability for your business of the License, Compatibility Logo, or Font. Paizo is not obligated to provide support for your use of the Compatibility Logo or Font. Paizo may not be held liable for any damages (incidental, consequential, or otherwise) resulting from your use of the Compatibility Logo or Font or your agreeing to this License.

15. Indemnification

You agree to defend, indemnify and hold Paizo harmless from any claims, demands or suits brought with respect to any Products produced by or for you.

Exhibit A: Usage Requirements

Last Updated Tuesday June 18, 2019

You may refer to our game using the phrase "Pathfinder Second Edition" (never just "Pathfinder" or "The Pathfinder RPG").

Compatibility Text

If your Product is a book or electronic book, you must include the following text as its own paragraph and in a legible size and color on the title page or on any one page preceding the title page. If your Product is a website, you must include the following text as its own paragraph and in a legible size and color on the site's main page.

Compatibility with Pathfinder Second Edition requires Pathfinder Second Edition from Paizo Inc. See to learn more about Pathfinder. Paizo Inc. does not guarantee compatibility, and does not endorse this product.

You must include the following text, as its own paragraph, on the page on which you provide any other copyright notices, and in a legible size and color, no smaller than any other copyright notice on the page:

Pathfinder is a registered trademark of Paizo Inc. Pathfinder Second Edition and the Pathfinder Second Edition Compatibility Logo are trademarks of Paizo Inc. The Pathfinder-Icons font is © 2019 Paizo Inc. These trademarks and copyrighted works are used under the Pathfinder Second Edition Compatibility License. See for more information on this license.

Section 15 of your Product's Open Game License must include the following text, in addition to any other text required by the OGL:

Open Game License v 1.0a © 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

System Reference Document © 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors: Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.

Pathfinder Core Rulebook (Second Edition) © 2019, Paizo Inc.; Designers: Logan Bonner, Jason Bulmahn, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, and Mark Seifter.

If you use the Pathfinder Second Edition Compatibility Logo or Font in advertising, you must include the following text in a legible size and color, no smaller than any other copyright notice on the page:

Pathfinder and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Inc., and are used under license. See to learn more about Pathfinder.

Pathfinder Second Edition Compatibility Logo

You must reproduce the Compatibility Logo in a legible size on the front cover of each book or electronic book Product, or on the main page of a website Product. The Compatibility Logo must be smaller than the title of the Product.

You must reproduce the Compatibility Logo, in a legible size, on the back cover of each book or electronic book Product. (This requirement does not apply to Products, such as some magazines, that run advertisements on the back cover.)

You may reproduce the Compatibility Logo on the spine or on the interior of each book or electronic book Product.

You must reproduce the Compatibility Logo, in a legible size, on any advertising material for each Product.

You may reproduce the Compatibility Logo, in a legible size, on websites describing or otherwise advertising the Product. Where reasonable, please include the following text near the logo, linked to "Learn more about Pathfinder at"

You may not alter the color, typography, design, or proportions of the Compatibility Logo, although you may render it in black and white in situations where color is not available. You may not allow the Compatibility Logo to be obscured in any way.

Pathfinder-Icons Font

You may not alter the font file or the design of its characters.

Exhibit B: List of Paizo Products which May Be Referenced

Last Updated Tuesday June 18, 2019

  • Pathfinder® Second Edition Core Rulebook™ (PZO2101)
  • Pathfinder® Second Edition Bestiary™ (PZO2102)
  • Pathfinder® Second Edition Gamemastery Guide™ (PZO2103)
  • Pathfinder® Second Edition Bestiary 2™ (PZO2104)
  • Pathfinder® Second Edition Advanced Player's Guide™ (PZO2105)

Exhibit C: List of Licensed Languages

Last Updated Tuesday June 18, 2019

  • Chinese (StarFish)
  • French (Black Book Editions)
  • German (Ulisses Spiele)
  • Italian (Giochi Uniti)
  • Japanese (Arclight)
  • Portuguese (New Order Editora)
  • Russian (Hobby World)
  • Spanish (Devir)

I accept and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the Pathfinder Second Edition Compatibility License.

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