Excavated Esotera

No Character Left Behind
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Related to wilderness and the natural world.

Plant Companion

Plant Companion

You relate better to flora than fauna, and have a plant creature as a companion instead of an animal.

Befriend Animal

Befriend Animal

You gain an animal companion.

Gargantuan Wild Shape

Gargantuan Wild Shape (Wild, Epic)

Ability to wild shape into a Huge animal.
The character can use your wild shape to take the shape of a Gargantuan animal.
Without this feat, a character cannot wild shape into an animal greater than Huge size.

Fine Wild Shape

Fine Wild Shape (Wild, Epic)

Ability to wild shape into a Diminutive creature.
The character can use his or her wild shape to take the shape of a Fine animal.
Without this feat, a character cannot wild shape into an animal smaller than Diminutive size.

Dragon Wild Shape

Dragon Wild Shape (Wild, Epic)

Wis 30, Knowledge (nature) 27 ranks, wild shape at will.
The character may use wild shape to change into a dragon (black, blue, green, red, white, brass, bronze, copper, gold, or silver). The size limitation is the same as the character's limitation on animal size. When taking the form of a dragon, the druid's wild shape now functions as form of the dragon III.

Colossal Wild Shape

Colossal Wild Shape (Wild, Epic)

The ability to wild shape into a Gargantuan creature.
The character can use his or her wild shape to take the shape of a Colossal animal.
Without this feat, a character cannot wild shape into an animal of greater than Gargantuan size.

Epic Ranger

Epic Ranger

Hit Die:
Skill Ranks at Each Additional Level:
6 + Int modifier
The ranger's caster level is equal his class level – 3, as normal. The ranger's number of spells per day does not increase after 20th level.
Favored Enemy (Ex):
The epic ranger gains one additional favored enemy, and his or her bonuses against one category of favored enemies goes up by +2, every five levels higher than 20th.
Wild Empathy (Ex):

Epic Druid

Epic Druid

Hit Die:
Skill Ranks at Each Additional Level:
4 + Int modifier
The druid's caster level is equal to his or her class level. The druid's number of spells per day does not increase after 20th level.
Animal Companion:
The Druid's animal companion continues to increase in power, according to the following table:
Table: Epic Animal Companion Special Abilities

Epic Barbarian

Epic Barbarian

Hit Die:
Skill Ranks at Each Additional Level:
4 + Int modifier
Barbarian Rage:
The epic barbarian gains two additional rounds of rage per day every level after 20th.
Rage Powers (Ex):
The epic barbarian gains an additional rage power every two levels after 20th.
Trap Sense (Ex):
The epic barbarian

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