Excavated Esotera

No Character Left Behind
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Game Rule

Epic Feats

Acquiring Epic Feats

Characters gain epic feats in the following ways:

At 21st level, and every other level thereafter, the character may select an epic feat in place of a nonepic feat.

Each character class gains bonus epic feats according to the class description. These feats must be selected from the list of bonus epic feats for that class.

Epic Skills

Epic Skills

Despite the near-magical nature of some epic level skill uses, all uses of skills are considered exceptional abilities (except if noted otherwise), and thus function normally even within areas of antimagic.

Skill Descriptions

Each skill's page describes new DCs and new modifiers for skills.

Epic Class Features

Class Features

Many, but not all, class features continue to accumulate after 20th level. The following guidelines describe how the epic class progressions.

  • A character's base save bonuses and base attack bonus don't increase after 20th level. Use Table: Epic Save and Epic Attack Bonuses to determine the character's epic bonus on saving throws and attacks.
  • Characters continue to gain Hit Dice and skill points as normal beyond 20th level.

Familiars at Epic Level

Familiars at Epic Level

Special abilities granted to a familiar continue to grow as the level of its master increases beyond 20th, as shown on Table: Epic Familiar Special Abilities. Even though the table shows advancement only to 42nd level, that is not the limit. The patterns in the table continue infinitely. Familiar special abilities gained at less than 20th level also continue to improve.

Epic Level Basics

Epic Level Basics

Epic characters—those whose character level is 21st or higher—are handled slightly differently from nonepic characters. While epic characters continue to receive most of the benefits of gaining levels, some benefits are replaced by alternative gains. A class can be advanced beyond 20th level. A ten-level prestige class can progress beyond 10th level, but only if the character level is already 20th or higher. A class with fewer than ten levels cannot progress beyond the maximum for that class, regardless of character level.

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