Excavated Esotera

No Character Left Behind
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This material was written and developed by the contributor.

Extract Enchantment

Extract Enchantment (Item Creation)

You can recover energy and material from a magic item that you can use to craft a new one.

Greater Weapon Finesse

Greater Weapon Finesse

Your training allows you to use your agility instead of brute strength with most weapons.

Dex 15, Weapon Finesse.
You can use the Weapon Finesse feat with any light, one-handed or double weapon.

Dedicated Spellcasting

Dedicated Spellcasting

You have a talent for spellcasting that allows you to increase the potency of your spells even when you pursue other interests. Choose a spellcasting class. Spells you cast from that class can be more powerful.


Twinning: As a swift action, the wielder of a twinning weapon can command it to create a copy of itself in the wielder's free hand. To use this ability, the user must be wielding the weapon normally, and must have enough hands available to wield the copy. Only one copy can be in existance at a time.
The copy is treated as an exact duplicate of the weapon in all ways, including magical properties, except for the twinning ability itself. Only the original weapon can create copies.
If a copy leaves the wielder's hand for any reason, it vanishes at the end of the current turn.

Improved Bonded Object

Improved Bonded Object

Your bonded object provides you an additional benefit.

Focused Channeling

Focused Channeling (Divine)

You can channel energy as a focused beam.

Directed Channeling, ability to channel positive or negative energy.
When channeling energy, you may change its area of effect to a 120 ft. line.
Channelling positive or negative energy is a 30 ft. burst.

Directed Channeling

Directed Channeling (Divine)

You can channel energy in a particular direction.

Ability to channel positive or negative energy.
When channeling energy, you may change its area of effect to a 60 ft. cone.
Channelling positive or negative energy is a 30 ft. burst.

Plant Companion

Plant Companion

You relate better to flora than fauna, and have a plant creature as a companion instead of an animal.


Subtle: A subtle weapon adds a +4 bonus to its wielder


Lucky: Once per day, the wielder can reroll a failed attack roll with this weapon (whether a single attack or one in a series of multiple attacks) as a free action. The rerolled attack uses the same bonuses or penalties as the missed roll.
Moderate enchantment; CL 5th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, prayer; Price +1 bonus.

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