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Thought (rant?) for the day. (Inspired by a conversation with a colleague.)

And, yes, I realize I've probably said this before in different media/contexts/situations/etc., but I wanted to get it in writing somewhere accessible.

It seems to me that, the smarter the proverbial "they" try to make computers, the dumber they end up being. If just because, by trying to help you do things, they have to try to anticipate what you want to do. But in doing that, they just make it harder to do things DIFFERENTLY.

Awesome Sci-Fi Idea

So, I had an amazing idea in the shower this morning. It's something that I don't expect to come about in my lifetime in reality, but I don't know why sci-fi writers haven't thought of it. (Okay, maybe some have, but not anything I remember reading, hearing, watching, etc.)

I Can't Think of a Good Title... and Some Knitting

I woke up this morning with optimism, and my usual Monday morning delusions of productive grandeur. I was up, showered, and dressed by 8:30. I combed out my hair, put on some makeup, and headed to the kitchen to tidy up a bit, and get some breakfast. At this point, things began to go rapidly downhill. I don't feel like going into all the details, but the least fixable issue was also the least serious, and the most serious issue will fix itself with a bit of time and a small bandage.

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Word Fun

I've been rather letting my vocabulary run away with me over the past few months, but today I managed to take it in a much more amusing direction. Without thinking, I started using the word laving in a sentence, and microsoft word poked at me, saying I might want to choose another word. I quickly switched to google and verified the meaning. It was correct (or at least extremely close, so I'll go with it). The word Laving means washing or flushing with water. In this case, I had the character washing away an injury with healing magic, and described it as though it were cool water.

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Big Day

Yesterday was a Big Day for our Big Girl. Things started off in a fairly normal manner: Daddy took Lily off to preschool, then Kate and I finished getting ready, and rushed out the door, barely on time.

She was singing "Let It Go" from Frozen as she went.

On the desire for a savior

It is interesting what one comes up with when one allows their mind to drift. Mine brought me some very interesting revelations about both how I think, and how life can change.

An amazing dream and feeling

I just woke up from a dream that left me energized, excited, and, for almost the first time in my life, feeling completely wanted/accepted. I don't know much about the setting except that my husband and I were at someone's house, and what was a more routine get-together turned into a surprise party for me for something. I remember someone giving me a checkbook, saying that there would be 100 dollars/month deposited into it for simple spending money for me. Then my dad and some aunts on my mother's side of the family showed up.

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As the title of this post says, I think I must be crazy. It is shortly before 2:00 am, and I'm sitting up in the living room, because I can't sleep, because I'm having a creative fit. I discovered some years ago that I apparently have a recessive artistic temperament that usually resides in the proverbial closet, and sticks its head out on occasion - usually at the most inconvenient times. The dominant engineer in me often wonders just where in the blazes this recessive crazy artist-wanna-be came from.

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Well... I really didn't intend to leave the blog sitting on a low note for so long. The semester is now over, and my usual natural optimism has been starting to reassert itself. Arazyr and I have been catching up on Dr. Who, and I just finished a pair of socks. (I may post pics and link to pattern, later). I've actually been having brief snippets of time in which I actually get sort of bored. I'm hoping this is a sign that I'll have time to write again, soon. Well, a certain little girl has just informed me that it is time to go to bed. And since, well...


As part of my nursing requirements, I am required to take a philosophy class. Medical Ethics, to be specific. I'm taking it now, and I can hardly wait for it to be over. Not because of the prof, though I waffle almost daily on whether I like or dislike him. Overall, I think I can deal with him. It is coping with a class that necessarily deals so much in ethical dilemmas. People often rant about how people deny or are blind to the truth, but if half the stuff covered in this class is true, I can see why they do. To protect their sanity.

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