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An amazing dream and feeling

I just woke up from a dream that left me energized, excited, and, for almost the first time in my life, feeling completely wanted/accepted. I don't know much about the setting except that my husband and I were at someone's house, and what was a more routine get-together turned into a surprise party for me for something. I remember someone giving me a checkbook, saying that there would be 100 dollars/month deposited into it for simple spending money for me. Then my dad and some aunts on my mother's side of the family showed up. (My daughter Estel was there already, as were my husband's family). My dad had apparently won 2 nice motorbikes recently, cherry red, one a scooter, and one a motorcycle, each with a matching trailer, and lots of storage. He simply gave me the scooter and trailer. I recall my Uncle Danny (Aunt Paula's husband) giving me the keys with a bit of regret because it's a very nice bike. Somewhere during the dream I was cleaning up some soda that someone had spilled, and I overheard someone mention that Sean Connery of all people had shown up at the party (but I didn't see him).

Overall, that dream has left me with a feeling that is almost unheard of in me. I've never felt that wanted/accepted, especially not by my family. This is an entirely new feeling for me, and I'm curious where it came from.


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