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Thought (rant?) for the day. (Inspired by a conversation with a colleague.)

And, yes, I realize I've probably said this before in different media/contexts/situations/etc., but I wanted to get it in writing somewhere accessible.

It seems to me that, the smarter the proverbial "they" try to make computers, the dumber they end up being. If just because, by trying to help you do things, they have to try to anticipate what you want to do. But in doing that, they just make it harder to do things DIFFERENTLY.

Feminist Unclear on the Concept

Ok, I'm not usually into blog rants, especially political ones, but I saw a link to this article in a tweet by the Yarn Harlot (Stephanie didn't care for it, either), and just really felt the need to toss my $0.02 out there. Simply put, the author of the article complains about how "Women are girly. Again", and about how we have "lost" a bunch of hard-won "bad-assery", because some women blog about cupcakes and knitting and such. She doesn't get it.

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