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juujika's Workshop

Things made (or being made) by juujika

Denim-y ribbed socks


Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

Lily in her way too big ensemble

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

Lily modelling her romper

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

Psychedelic Rainbow Scarf

Warning: Don sunglasses, before viewing this picture. (:

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

Cliff's Convertible Mitten Gloves

... and another present in progress (now finished)

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

Steve's Convertible Mitten Gloves

Again, sorry for the lousy focus. Another Christmas present in progress (now finished).

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

Boot Socks

Yet another Christmas present in progress. I really need to get pictures of the finished products, modeled by the recipients...

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

Blue Jeans Socks

socks for me

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

Blue Bear in Progress

Another Christmas present, minus the nose and eyes

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

Baby Mittens

For the baby nephew, for Christmas

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 


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