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Jabal's Sword

How long has Jabal had the sword with the gold dragon on the hilt?

That is something that was forged specifically for him when Arc was founded and he was declared a knight, under Luther's rule. Again, this happens near the end of RH, some years (though I haven't quite defined how many) prior to TLS.

... is how many times has Shama seen this sword, and at what age? I mean, I can't imagine a curious, sword-fascinated 12 year old NOT noticing the dragon, if Jabal had it, when they met. In fact, I'm trying to figure out what it would suggest about Shama's character, if he's seen the sword much at all, how he would have not noticed that.

Hm...that's a good point. I was trying to find a way to work it into the situation. In a previous edit, the dragon had been present on Jabal's armor, but as he wears chainmail, that seems a bit odd.

I could see a golden dragon "device" (as I believe it would have been called) affixed to the chain mail, in the chest area (which doesn't need to be as flexible), though I think it works on the sword, as well. Are you just trying to draw attention to it being there?

That is essentially what I'm trying to do, yes. But as I'm attempting to focus on Shama's perspective, I wasn't quite sure how to work it in.

Well, then, perhaps you could just have it catch his eye, at that time? Perhaps the light hitting it a certain way? Or even just having the king's comment remind him of it, so that he looks at it?

Yeah, something like that could work.

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