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Character descriptions

I noticed that your descriptions of the male characters are a bit sketchier than those for the female characters. For example, Bruin is described as being big, and Galen as young and unobtrusive, but that's about it. I had built a picture of him in my head, but then, much later (chapter 20-something, I think), it is mentioned that his hair is curly ,(not what I pictured), and Sabre starts teasing him about a bit of gray in his beard (also had totally not pictured the beard, nor him seeming to be of an age where gray would be expected anytime soon). It left me wondering if Bruin looks anything like I expect, and just what age these people appear to be.


I realize now that I probably need to add in a lot more detail on a number of things, both in personality and physical description. Raven is likely the oldest of them, but she, like Sabre are half-elvari, and more likely to have slightly longer lifespans...Raven's in her early thirties physically, though being timeless for a long time makes actual age uncertain. Sabre is only slightly younger, while Bruin and Galen are mid-late twenties (Galen is going grey early). Bruin is himself blond, as well as both tall and imposing build, and has blue eyes. Galen is smaller, both in height and in weight, able to move fairly inconspicuously, and has medium brown hair that's naturally a little curly.

I had actually pictured Bruin as blond, with a mustache, and maybe a beard, as well. I had pictured Galen as much darker. I was rather startled when he described himself as an "old wand wielder", or whatever, because I didn't think he looked remotely old.

I am curious, however, at the references to the fully-elven Zephyr being able to pass as human more easily than the half-elven Raven... can you explain why this is?

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