Urza's Flyswatter
An idea I came up with when I was being clobbered by an all-flying
deck of my brother's.
Thæther Thallid
I decided that the Thallids needed their own Kaiser. After all, the
Merfolk have a Lord, the Goblins have a King, and even the Zombies
have a Master. Please forgive the pun.
The original idea for this card came from a couple of friends of mine;
Terry & Kimberly Dexter. I worked out the actual game mechanics of
it, and then another friend of mine; Claire Basney; created a picture
for it. It has become quite a collaboration.
An attempt at translating an AD&D Spell to Magic.
One of my favorite AD&D (tm) (and
everything else, I might
add...) characters, as translated into M:TG. You might note from the
picture that I closely identify with this guy...
Reality Enforcement Field
I changed the special ability of my Kickback card (above) at one point,
but liked what I had on it before, so made it into a card of its own.