
Important Note:

This character is based heavily on a number of different things. Since this particular character is my creation, I claim copyright on everything here; for myself, and in the name of my brother and friends, who helped determine a lot of the events that are described in the Journal, except of course anything that is already someone else's. (Particularly the companies that own the copyrights and trademarks on the games/novels/movies/etc. that this character is based on.) None of the games/worlds/books/other characters/species/etc. mentioned herein are used with explicit permission, but with the implicit permission that has to be granted to gamers in order to use the games at all. This information is being posted on the web like this simply for the enjoyment of anyone who may happen to stumble in here, and may not be duplicated without my prior consent.

Okay, with the legalese out of the way, let's get to the interesting stuff.

Remember, all of this is posted to the 'net purely for amusement. I am not making any sort of money off of this, and in fact have spent a great deal of time on all this that I could have been using to do other things. These works may not be distributed without my prior consent, except according to the nature of the Internet. (In other words, don't print it out and pass it around, but feel free to give people the URL of this page!) I probably won't have the initiative to sue anybody infringing on this copyright, but you'll earn yourself at least a few years in Purgatory, or bad Karma (if you believe in those sorts of things).

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Last Modified: 14 October 1997