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Tol Borneth, Noldar Galdan (INTJ/INTP)

Noldar lands on the J side of the P/J continuum, but not by much. Both personality profile descriptions fit him rather well. Brilliant, logical, and analytical, he loves delving into complex systems such as magic, and looks at things from pretty much every possible angle. He is very clear on what he knows, and what he doesn't know, and once he has something down, he has a great deal of confidence in his ability to utilize it. Focused and pragmatic, he leans toward perfectionism. Trained in diplomacy, he grasps that people sometimes don't make sense, but it still bothers him, when they don't. He is wont to assume that people WOULD make sense, if only he had enough data about them. Romantic relationships are his weak point, as he has spent a good deal of his life not really WANTING to know what women want from him, and that deliberate obtuseness has proven a hard habit to break.

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