Alien Picture

Far Too Close Encounters

© Mark Becker, 1997

The idea for this story came to me from a conversation that I had with some friends after dinner one day. Somehow, topic had turned to alien abductee stories. Now, our conversations have a tendency to get pretty bizarre. At one point, someone came up with the question: What would happen if an alien came to Earth in order to abduct someone (for whatever reasons), and ended up getting abducted him(her/it)self?

I think what was originally intended by the question was that the alien was abducted by another alien, thinking that the first alien was a native lifeform, but I started thinking the other way. That is, that the alien gets abducted by the person he(she/it) was intending to abduct! I thought it would make a better story.

Well, I kept this idea curdling in my head for a few months, until I had some spare time over Spring Break, and felt inspired. I had just read a couple of stories that a friend of mine had written, and that got me in the mood to write myself, so I started into it. I got the first chapter done that night, and the second the next night. Unfortunately, that was all I was able to get done before I had to go back to school, and I wasn't able to muster the motivation to really work on it again until recently.

Please note that this is still a work in progress, but if you read it, make sure to let me know what you think! Also remember that this is a work of fiction: no claims are made that anything in the story are based on real people, places, or events, nor that anything in the story is necessarily even realistic!

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