Range: | 60' |
Duration: | 1 turn |
Effect: | Immobilizes 1 HD of creatures per Level of caster |
This spell affects 1 Hit Die of creatures for each level of experience of the caster. It will not affect creatures with a natural AC of 4 or less (indicating armor plating or thick, insensitive skin), nor those unaffected by hold spells (constructs and Undead especially). A maximum of 10 creatures can be affected, regardless of their hit dice.
Those affected feel as if they are being tickled vigorously and cannot attack, cast spells or move at faster than half normal movement rate. A Saving Throw vs. Spells may be made at the end of each round to resist the effect.
Range: | Touch |
Duration: | 1 round per Level of the magic-user |
Effect: | One creature |
This spell scrambles light rays around the recipient so that his/her form appears blurred and wavering. All attacks on the recipient are at -3 for the duration of the spell. The recipient also gets a +1 to Saving Throws vs. any direct attack upon themself (area affects like Fireball are not included).
Range: | 0 |
Duration: | 1 turn |
Effect: | Flame streams from caster's fingertips |
When this spell is cast, the caster's hand is enveloped by flames; this doesn't harm the caster in any way or anything that he/she may be holding. The character can cause the flame to shoot out to a maximum range of 10' per caster level. These flames will ignite any flammable material or cause 1d6 points of fire damage per level of the caster (up to 20 dice) to one creature aimed at. The target must be in sight and there must be no barriers between the target and the caster, otherwise the flames are blocked. The flames automatically hit, but the target is allowed a Save vs. Spells for half damage. The flame sheath will remeain around the caster's hand for up to 1 tunr, or until it is used to shoot. A touch by the hand will ignite combustables or cause 1d6 points of fire damage, regardless of level.
Range: | 0 |
Duration: | 1 turn |
Effect: | The magic-user only |
This spell enables the caster to communicate with other creatures within 30'. One type of creature may be communicated with for every 3 levels of experience of the caster. This does not affect the reactions of the subject to the caster in any way. The magic-user can only communicate with creatures that actually have a language; most animals, constructs and Undead are not affected.
Range: | Touch |
Duration: | 1 round per Level of the magic-user |
Effect: | The magic-user only |
When this spell is cast, the caster is able to identify the properties of magic items he touches for the duration of the spell. The "name" of the magic item is discovered when the caster first touches the item. One property (bonus, power, command word) can be determined per round.
EXAMPLE: A 5th level caster could identify five one-property items, five properties of a multi-propertied item, or any combination.
A weapon bonus may be exactly determined, but numbers of charges can only be generally determined; lots (16-30), many (6-15), few (1-5). This DOES include Wishes.
This spell is easily fooled by cursed items: potions of poison or delusion are identified as another (random) type, other cursed items are identified as regular magic items (a cursed Sword -2 would be identified as a normal Sword +2).
Range: | Sight |
Duration: | Instantaneous |
Effect: | One object |
With this spell, the caster can make any one object in sight appear in his/her hand. The object must be of 200cn encumberance or less. If the object is held or worn, the spell only works if the holder or wearer fails a Save vs. Spells. Using normal vision, the maximum practical range is about 120'. The range can be extended considerably by using sight-extending magics such as Clairvoyance, Wizard Eye, and Crystal Balls. However, this is not as accurate; the DM should roll 1d20: on a 2 or 3, the spell fails and the item remains; on a roll of 1, the item vanishes but never reappears. It is totally and utterly destroyed.