White | Black | Green | |
Armor Class: | 5 | 4 | 3 |
Hit Dice: | 1/2** (S) | 1** (S) | 1+3**(S) |
Move: | 60' (20') | 60' (20') | 60' (20') |
Flying: | 180' (60') | 180' (60') | 180' (60') |
Attacks: | 2 claws/1 bite | 2 claws/1 bite | 2 claws/1 bite |
Damage: | 1/1/1d4 | 1d2/1d2/1d8 | 1d3/1d3/2d6 |
No. Appearing: | 1d6 (1d6) | 1d6 (1d6) | 1d6 (1d6) |
Save As: | Normal Man | Fighter: 1 | Fighter: 1 |
Morale: | 7 | 7 | 8 |
Treasure Type: | F | F | F |
Intelligence: | 6 | 6 | 6 |
Alignment: | Neutral | Chaotic | Chaotic |
XP Value: | 7 | 16 | 23 |
XP with spells: | 8 | 19 | 27 |
Blue | Red | Gold | |
Armor Class: | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Hit Dice: | 2** (S) | 2+3** (S) | 3** (S) |
Move: | 60' (20') | 60' (20') | 60' (20') |
Flying: | 180' (60') | 180' (60') | 180' (60') |
Attacks: | 2 claws/1 bite | 2 claws/1 bite | 2 claws/1 bite |
Damage: | 1d4/1d4/2d8 | 1d4+1/1d4+1/d10 | 1d6/1d6/3d8 |
No. Appearing: | 1d6 (1d6) | 1d6 (1d6) | 1d6 (1d6) |
Save As: | Fighter: 2 | Fighter: 2 | Fighter: 3 |
Morale: | 8 | 9 | 9 |
Intelligence: | 6 | 6 | 6 |
Treasure Type: | F | F | F |
Alignment: | Neutral | Chaotic | Lawful |
XP Value: | 30 | 45 | 65 |
XP with spells: | 35 | 55 | 80 |
Type |
Breath Weapon |
Range L x W |
Breath Shape |
Chance of Talking* |
Chance of being Asleep |
Spells | ||
1 | 2 | 3 | ||||||
White | Cold | 8' x 3' | Cone | 10% | 50% | 1 | - | - |
Black | Acid | 6' x .5' | Line | 20% | 40% | 2 | - | - |
Green | Chlorine Gas | 5' x 4' | Cloud | 30% | 30% | 1 | 1 | - |
Blue | Lightning | 10' x .5' | Line | 40% | 20% | 2 | 2 | - |
Red | Fire | 9' x 3' | Cone | 50% | 10% | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Gold | Fire | 9' x 3' | Cone | 100% | 5% | 2 | 2 | 2 |
Gas | 5' x 4' | Cloud |
Monster Type: Dragon (Very Rare)
Micro-Dragons are much smaller than their well-known cousins. An average Micro-Dragon is about 1 foot in length (not including tail). They are exactly like their larger cousins in respect to chances of talking or being asleep, resistances and breath weapons; the latter only being different by its much smaller range.
They cannot use the crush, kick, wing, tail, and swoop attack forms, simply because they just aren't large enough for them to have any effect on all but the smallest creatures.
Micros are more likely to have magical treasures than other dragons due to an ability to sense the presence of magic on an item. This sense isn't as definite as a Detect Magic spell, but allows them to make a very good guess whether an item is magical or not. It is however, easily fooled by an object that was once enchanted--but no longer is, or an item that has been around powerful magic for quite some time.
Micro-Dragons are less intelligent than other dragons, but still can cast spells (if they speak). However, they cast Clerical spells instead of magic-user spells. This makes them quite useful to their larger counterparts as assistants and support.
In combat, a Micro-Dragon will usually begin with its breath weapon, then attack physically for one or two rounds, then breathing again. If more than one Micro is encountered, then half will use their breath weapons in each round of combat, rotating until their enemies are defeated or their breath weapons are used up.
Micro-Dragons may occasionally be acquired as 'pets', or more rather, 'sidekicks'. This may occur if the micro-dragon is alone and scared when a character comes by, or if the character does something to benefit the dragon itself, its "flock" or Dragondom united. If so, the Micro is run by the DM as an NPC, similarly to retainers. The Micro will accompany the character on adventures, fight with him/her (if it doesn't fail its Morale), and expect a share of the treasure. The Micro's Morale score becomes the same as a regular retainer's would be for the character; based on Charisma; but can be modified by how much treasure is shared with the dragon: stinginess will lower Morale by 1; generosity will increase it by 1. The DM must judge what is generous and what is not, taking into account the Micro's Alignment; a chaotic dragon will want more, a lawful wouldn't ask for more than a quarter and barely accept more than half.
Dragon | Alignment | Similar to | Breathes |
Crystal | Lawful | White | Cold and Crystallize |
Onyx | Neutral | Black | Acid and Blindness |
Jade | Neutral | Green | Gas and Nauseate |
Sapphire | Lawful | Blue | Lightning and Vapor |
Ruby | Lawful | Red | Fire and Burn |
Amber (or Brown) | Chaotic | Gold | Fire and Burn Gas and Nauseate |
The Micro versions of the "gemstone" dragons are mostly the same as the larger sizes, but their breath weapons are much weaker. Their breaths are explained below.
Crystal: If the saving throw is failed, full damage is inflicted and the victim is encased in a thin crystalline shell. An encased creature is immobilized for 1d6+6 turns, or until the shell is broken. The shell can be broken in one of two ways. The first way is by the victim breaking it from the inside. Roll 1d6. Add the character's Strength bonus. If the result is a 6 or more, then the shell is broken. If failed, the character is trapped until the duration ends or the shell is broken from the outside. This is done by inflicting damage to it. The amount of damage necessary to break the shell is double the damage caused when the dragon breathed and created the shell. Any damage over this goes to the creature inside.
Onyx: If the saving throw is failed, full damage is inflicted and the victim is blinded for 1d4 days. A blinded creature may attack, but with a -4 penalty on Hit rolls, and attackers get a +4 to hit the blinded creature. They can move at 1/3 movement rate, or 2/3 if led. This can be removed by a Cure Blindness spell.
Jade: If the saving throw is failed, full damage is inflicted and the victim is nauseated. The victim is has a -1 on to hit, damage and saving throws for 3 turns.
Sapphire: If the saving throw is failed, full damage is inflicted and the victim is transformed into a cloud of vapor for 1d6 turns. The victim may move at up to a 60' (20') rate by concentrating. The victim cannot affect any solid item, make any noise or cast any spell for the duration of the effect.
Ruby: If the saving throw is failed, full damage is inflicted and all flammable items carried by the victim start to burn away. Paper goes instantly, leather goes in 1 round, and all others go in 2 rounds. Paper items cannot be saved, but leather and other items may be saved if the character takes a round beating out or otherwise extinguishing the flames.
Brown: See notes above for Jade and Ruby.
Terrain: same as their larger counterparts.
Load: Due to their diminutive size, Micro-Dragons can carry only 50 cn weight and be able to move at full speed. They can move at half speed when carrying up to 100 cn.