Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Special
This spell is similar to the spell Nystul's Magical Aura, except that the aura created by this spell lasts until magically dispelled. The size requirements for the item to be enchanted are the same as for Nystul's Magical Aura; that is, the object may weigh no more than five pounds per level of the spellcaster. The caster may choose the type of magic detected (i.e. illusion, abjuration, etc.). One school of magic may be incorporated into the aura for every three levels of the caster. So, a third level caster could create an aura of a single type of magic, but a ninth level wizard could make an aura with three schools combined. The aura is very strong, and will mask any magical aura that the item may already have, unless the magic is of artifact-power. This aura has a 75% chance of fooling a spell such as Identify or similar effect, so that the examiner is fooled into believing that the item is really enchanted.
The material component for this spell is a live firefly, which is bonded to the item and becomes part of it.